CallCenterCLOUD is a cloud call center solution, the result of a development process made by a strong and passionate team.
Because You don't have startup costs, hardware costs, support costs, You don't have to manage backup processes, to acquire land lines and because You can work from anywhere. This will reduce dramatically your costs.
Cloud Call Center was designed to meet requirements of all types of Call Center.
After activating your account You must connect to web console of Call Center Cloud and configure your call center, this is all.
It gives You the possibility to use the software, constant updates, periodical backup
We have per second billing.
Because Call Center CLOUD has a simple user interface You can be online in few hours.
No. Call Center CLOUD is a web based application and You don't need to install anything.
Call Center CLOUD is a Call Center Software "Cross Platform"  and it can be used on Windows, Ios, Android, Linux.
Call Center CLOUD works with: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, ..
No. Our Data Center infrastructure includes all You need.
The phone lines depends by the operators number and the dialing strategy. For example if You are using Progessive dialler and You have 10 operators we will guarantee 10 phone lines.
Yes. You must do a request to our support team.
Obvious. It is enough to have only an internet connection, headphones/microphone.
Yes. You can do the import of your contact list using xls or csv format.
Yes.Each user has a profile and can use only the features associated with this.Right now these are our profiles: Administrator, Operator, Agent.
No, everything will be done automatically, You shouldn't take care about this problem.
The contact lists will be available always, instead the statistics will be online only for 3 months.
The costs depend on number of call center operators and the version of the software. For a quatation don't hesitate to fill the Contact form specifying the number of call center operators.

CP Software Nord-Est S.r.l.

Sede Legale

Via Monzermone, 1
42100 Reggio Emilia (RE) - ITALIA
P.Iva/C.F. 01773640352
Cap.Soc. € 12.000,00 i.v.
Reg. Imp. di Reggio Emilia nr. 01773640352
Rea RE 222807

Sede Operativa

Via Cesare Beccaria, 8/B
37036 San Martino Buon Albergo (VR)
Tel: 045 4855272
Fax: 045 8780984