Auto Dialler

Call Center CLOUD offers multiple automated dialing solutions. Call Center CLOUD platform can be adapted to any type of call center leading to increased productivity and efficiency of your team. 

Call center operators doesn't lose time anymore calling manually, their time is 100% dedicated to the customers.

You can increase till 300% the performances of your call center using our dialing solutions.

1. Preview Dialer

In the module for the call center operators, after the operator has viewed customer data via a function called Click To Call ,  the operator is put  in touch with  the final  customer without  having to  call its phone number manually.

2. Progressive Dialer

Navigating from one client to another, the system automatically calls the next customer reducing the waiting time between two consecutive calls . Operator will not be forced to press any button to make the phone call

3. Predictive Dialer

Our Predictive Dialer solution is based on an algorithm that increses the productivity in exponential manner , reducing downtime from one conversation to another. Predictive Dialer module in an automated manner optimizes the ratio of calls made ​based on the number of operators actually available. You can change various parameters on each campaign to control call drop limit(example: ratio)

CP Software Nord-Est S.r.l.

Sede Legale

Via Monzermone, 1
42100 Reggio Emilia (RE) - ITALIA
P.Iva/C.F. 01773640352
Cap.Soc. € 12.000,00 i.v.
Reg. Imp. di Reggio Emilia nr. 01773640352
Rea RE 222807

Sede Operativa

Via Cesare Beccaria, 8/B
37036 San Martino Buon Albergo (VR)
Tel: 045 4855272
Fax: 045 8780984